Counter current GulfStream is the device for the creation of counter flow in the swimming pools.
Patented construction of the jet nozzles with grates enabes to create the maximum flowspeed
in the swimming distance of 1 - 2 m.
The nozzle free opening size of 7 mm corresponds the safety regulation EN 1345.
Safe suction design corresponds also the highest safety regulations. The 3 mm openings
exclude the possibility of the swimmers hair sucked in and getting stuck.
The suction surface area is sufficient for the flowspeed less than 0,5 m/s, what also corresponds
the safety regulations. The suction system is integrated in the counter current head. This solution
enabled to minimize size of the stepping out part of the counter current to 20mm only, what makes
a big difference when the automatic underwater poolcover is installed right below the counter current
To control the counter current pump we recommend to use the sensor button with control unit АС 10.410
and adapter АС 07.100